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Real estate endeavors invariably represent significant financial commitments. Our legal team has both the proficiency and extensive experience required to guide you through the intricacies of residential and commercial real estate dealings. Our firm has consistently facilitated our clients in navigating realty transactions, culminating in the successful handling of over Php 2 billion in client transactions.
Our services include:
  • Transfer of title through sale, donation, extra-judicial settlement, and other modes of transfer
  • Review and drafting of real estate documents
  • Cancellation and annotation of encumbrances
  • Foreign real estate investment
  • Real estate taxation
  • Reconstitution and correction of entries in the certificate of title
  • Quieting of title
  • Filing of adverse claim and notice of lis pendens
  • Assistance in the procurement of reclamation permits
  • Procurement of construction and performance bonds
  • Document notarization
  • Real estate brokerage
real estate lawyer philippines
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